This is our utopian science fiction, dredged from the
silt of our
polluted waters.
This is how
sow seeds
for future growth...
The River Brought Us TOGETHER...
We’re wrapped in mist, in the Goddess’ kiss,
and we remember; She is endless,
She is life, and She is callng
us to dance.
and we
the GODDESS...
We were just waking up to what it was to be alive that summer;
We each had our own agenda...
But on the river, we heard the heartbeat, that flow of life,
and, one by one, we remembered...
We were fresh,
We were green,
We knew nothing, yet
she called us in.
so, Did We call Her, or did She call Us?
One by one, we learned that water is life.
life from the river spring, connecting us with all life that has ever been;
We are just the latest batch of kids trying to live, while our water is polluted.
This year, it's worse than ever. We’ve had more rain than anyone can remember, like the whole world's weeping itself fresh...
But we’ve paved over the grass that would soak it away, and we're deluged with rubbish and sewage.
Tides are high and our drains are overflowing, and who knows how to put it right?
Dredging up Treasure
We remembered Eurynome rising from the waves of Chaos, invoking all that she was and all that could ever be.
She was everything at once; she was light, she was graceful, she was fierce!
She moved with intention, great swathes of creation, separating sea from sky.
When there was none, we learned how that first goddess danced for life.
and we began to drum
Music is language beyond language, my drum teacher says, (along with other things, like play with your heart and not with your head...)
Our beats say all that we can't. They speak to and for our world.
Going in deep...
Out on the water, ideas flow strange.Whispers cling to ever-rolling ripples and reflections captivate;
Hush, hush, hush, We hear the world calling us, saying, listen.
(and then, what else can we do?)
Slung beneath skies stretched wide to each horizon, we're cast afloat, carried by fresh currents and constantly reminded how much we do not know...
The river sings of misty histories, washed through time
They say all water has been flowing on our Earth for 4.5 billion years, mostly buried deep underground, waiting to bubble up through ourq springs... and the rest gathered force in the high atmosphere, waiting, waiting to rain down on us, like this.
It must have rained for 40 days and 40 nights.I think of all the times gone before, flowing across these shingled shores. I imagine how much treasure was lost, buried and found here, even before the Romans came to march their armies in.
Stuff stays down for thousands of years, but then something shifts and changes and it washes back up to surface…
A ripple becomes a trickle
becomes a tide
becomes a flow,
carving channels through sands of time…
On This Day:
May 31 2024
Footage captured
May 31 2024
MAY DAY 2024
That night, the drums were heard for miles. The THAMES TUNNEL, still untested and achingly empty of any sewage or overflow, acted as a gigantic amplifier. The sound of that protest rave for the river reverberated, waking all the Londoners living anywhere close to their great River Thames. Powerful drum beats echoed through plumbing systems throughout the city, and no one could keep sleeping.
None could have predicted the ripples of sound and influence that rolled out that night... kids everywhere have been inspired to dress in fluro and dance to show they will not stand by and let our government and corporations pollute our natural world.
We can all shine a light on pollution!
Dance in the night while shining a light.
Show you won't live with pollution, and dance for life!
A ripple becomes
a trickle becomes a tide
becomes a flow,
carving channels through
sands of time…
Do you know,
water flows with life in every drop.
Did you know …
At the heart of the earth there’s a forest,
veined with rivers and streams: she
breathes for us all.
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